OOAD (Object Oriented Analysis and Design) is a system development method with a few basic principles.
       One of them is, that the socalled objects should be close to reality: in our game we have a player, a board, a ship etc., and in a physical game they would all have a physical existence, identity, state and behavior. (There can be other objects, but they are added later.)
       Obejcts that are related, are structured in classes. Another principle is, that a class in the program should appear close to its attributes (variables) and methods (functions). It should also be easy to make sure, that the attributes can be changed only through the methods - no direct touching. A good class can be recycled in other programs.
       Another principle is, that things survive a long time. You might write down the names of the first classes after the first meeting with the customer, and 2 years later these names are still in the finished program. This also means documentation of other kinds have a long life.
       OOAD focuses on objects and data, where older methods focused on actions and logix. It was a revolutionizing way of looking at the world, as it appeared.

Concept last updated: 07/08 2003.


can be part of
can be part of
can be a part of
can be a part of
is a kind of

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Og/eller OOAD Operativsystem
