Why I love ST:TOS

Why I love Star Trek
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There are some more general things I like or dislike. I'm not happy with technobabble. But I like it when Kirk, Spock and Bones tease each other.

Number: first the PCode, then a combination of season:episode, according to air date.

Number / Name Why I liked it
Season 0 Season 1 Season 2 Season 3
1 / 0:0
The cage
An alternative Enterprise and crew.
A female no. 1.
Living in dreams is bad. But it is okay to choose it?
You either live life and accept the bruises, or you start dying.
Death before slavery.
Season 0 Season 1 Season 2 Season 3
2 / 1:3
Where no man has gone before
Is more power better? A super-human?
Should a friend turned dangerous be left behind? Killed?
We need to learn compassion and wisdom as well as new powers.
3 / 1:10
The corbomite maneuver
Obeying the captain.
Reacting under pressure.
Intelligent = peaceful.
Bluffing beats logic.
Treating a xenophobe, by confrontation.
Image - can a dwarf be frightening? Powerful?
But a powerful person can be lonely.
4 / 1:6
Mudd's women
Slavery? Recruiting wives for settlers.
Men behaving foolishly in the presence of magnetically beautiful women.
Beauty comes from within.
5 / 1:5
The enemy within
100% good = weak, loss of will power, intelligence, logic.
100% evil = driven by needs, animal-like, a leader, a decisionmaker, fearful.
A captain has to be perfect.
An actor successfully playing 3 versions of the same character.
6 / 1:1
The man trap
Introducing all the characters.
Killing someone looking like a loved one - hard.
7 / 1:4
The naked time
Man should be in space.
Nurse Chapel, and her love for Spock.
Spock's emotions. Excellent acting!
Kirk loves Enterprise.
Scotty: "I cannot change the lawas of physics."
8 / 1:2
Charlie X
Raising a 17 year old boy, all powerful, insecure, doesn't know the rules. Almost like "It's a wonderful life" and "Om Om".
Spock plays, Uhura sings.
Kirk giving advice about love!
Giving people a 2nd chance.
9 / 1:14
Balance of terror
Deciding to risk starting a war.
We are all unique. Every life if prescious.
A fight between 2 starship captains.
Uhura at navigation.
A sole war monger, and witch hunter. Changing his mind.
Under orders, but not liking it.
The enemy - not monsters.
Our ship as submarine.
Fighting means risking our lives.
Yes - very good.
10 / 1:7
What are little girls made of
Androids are superior to humans, perfect? No feelings. No! Androids turn on their masters.
11 / 1:9
Dagger of the mind
Criminals should be treated in a humane way.
The ability to change other people. Through pain, if it's big changes. Bad.
A rather powerful woman.
A person, hurting.
12 / 1:8
Life prolongation. Bad.
A brave doctor.
A society of children. Lord of the flies?
13 / 1:13
The conscience of the king
When should no. 1 stop the captain?
Something - I think it's the style of the episode.
14 / 1:16
The Galileo seven
Chain of command. How to be a good leader.
Logic or feelings?
There are always alternatives.
15 / 1:20
Court martial
Honesty above all.
Starship captains are not ordinary human beings.
A good surprise.
16 / 1:11+12
The menagerie
Loyalty above honesty, obediance...? But not above lives.
Rank Has Its Privileges.
Bones never had to arrest anybody before!
The start of the 2nd part begins with a surreal picture.
And oh, how the breaks in the trial coincide with the commercial breaks :-)
Treachery by the impeccably loyal. Because of split loyalty.
A vital mind in a dead body.
Identity crisis.
Brain washing.
Getting out of prison through intelligence, not force.
Freedom more important than life.
17 / 1:15
Shore leave
Running people actually breathing hard.
A place, where dreams come true.
Bones dies, Kirks reaction.
Intelligence demands play.
18 / 1:17
The squire of Gothos
Manners are for everybody, except me.
Not good: intelligence without discipline, power without constructive purpose.
A holodeck!
An immature, powerful person versus Kirk.
19 / 1:18
Deciding a war through champions.
Acceptance is logical.
The value of communication.
20 / 1:27
The alternative factor
Split personality!
Parallel universe.
The thought that an alternative me exists.
21 / 1:19
Tomorrow is yesterday
Our crew meets us - and we meet them!
An affectionate computer! :-)
The danger of changes in the past affecting the present.
A surprise beam by Spock.
Time travel.
22 / 1:21
The return of the Archons
The impossibility of being happy and serene all the time.
Individuality suppressed.
Prime directive.
Souls are necessary, machines have no souls.
Freedom of choice, creativity, life.
23 / 1:23
A taste of Armageddon
Chain of command.
A war conducted by computers, askin people please to die - and they obey. So the culture, the buildings and so on survive. But. War without horrors is wrong. War is wrong.
"There is a multi-legged creature on your shoulder."
Diplomat - or stupid?
The human nature is closer to the killer than to the builder.
24 / 1:22
Space seed
A historian meets history.
A brave doctor.
Superman. But not in every way. And he will lose.
A powerful man, a weak woman.
Superman. Genetically manipulated.
Apart from a fistfight, an excellent episode!
25 / 1:24
This side of paradise
Originally sent on my birthday!
Harmony, peace. By "drugs". No need or want - that's not right.
Spock fighting feeligns, losing. Belonging. Happy. Angry. And then cured: "I don't belong anymore".
Subtle humor.
The empty bridge.
Spocks lover losing him. Heartbreaking.
The unemotional one appreciating beauty.
One fine episode.
26 / 1:25
The devil in the dark
A monster, a protective mother - or both?
When is it okay to experminate?
The doctor heals, the telepath empathizes, and the captain comes up with creative solutions!
Understanding. Talking.
27 / 1:26
Errand of mercy
Peaceful - but not weak. Stopping violence through non-violent means.
War versus pacifism and non-interference.
2 enemy captains have similarities.
Beings of pure energy.
The Klingons.
28 / 1:28
The city on the edge of forever
Time-travel, changing the present through the past.
Our crew meets the 1930s.
A visionary.
Restoring history through letting a loved one die.
A believable love story.
Peace can come at the wrong time.
The captain keeping the doctor from saving a life.
Very good!
29 / 1:29
Operation -- annihilate!
The captains brother dies. And then his science officer and friend is in danger of dying as well. Or of being blind.
Season 0 Season 1 Season 2 Season 3
30 / 2:7
Our crew meets witches.
Loyal, brave, not bribable.
31 / 2:9
Immortality. Or freedom?
An inter-racial relationship. With an important lie/omission.
Life is better with obstacles.
Accept eventual death, for the joy of the moment.
32 / 2:11
Friday's child
Apologizing when you're wrong.
Hurt feelings less important than a hurt arm. No taboos for the doctor!
33 / 2:2
Who mourns for Adonais?
Our crew meets a "Greek God".
A "God", wanting worshop, demanding it, needing it.
A woman, angering a "God".
A historian meets history.
34 / 2:1
Amok time
An extreme need to mate, to marry. In extreme privacy.
A logical creature, suddenly emotional. And when logical again, has an emotional slip.
The captain disobeys orders, to save his friend.
Friends having to fight to the death.
The captain dies! Well, almost.
Vulcan culture.
Having is not as good as wanting.
35 / 2:6
The doomsday machine
A weapon, capable of destroying both sides.
A captain losing a command - and losing his mind? Suicidal.
A helpless captain seeing his ship in danger.
A senseless death, later making sense.
36 / 2:14
Wolf in the fold
Pleasure above all.
37 / 2:3
The changeling
The engineer dies! But is repaired.
The communications officer is erased. And is like a child.
Computers like the logical science officer. :-)
The logical road to suicide.
38 / 2:5
The apple
Non-violent people. No love either. No aging. No "feeling and touching". Innocents discovering all this.
The right to grow.
Who decides what happiness is?
Prime directive.
39 / 2:4
Mirror, mirror
A more violent version of our universe.
It is illogical to side with the loser.
A strong woman (Uhura).
One man can make a difference.
40 / 2:12
The deadly years
Kirk as an old man!
41 / 2:8
I, Mudd
You have to have freedom to do whatever you want to, including hurt yourself.
Practical application of logic.
42 / 2:15
The trouble with tribbles
Kirk drowning in tribbles.
A population explosion.
43 / 2:25
Bread and circuses
Parallel development, resulting in the Romans existing in the 20th century. And with slavery as an institution.
Prime directive.
A friendship where one didn't expect it.
Roleplaying (1).
44 / 2:10
Journey to Babel
Conflict between father and son.
Feeling of duty.
Differences between cultures.
45 / 2:19
A private little war
To fight or die.
The right choice is to make a peaceful people violent!
War is not a good life, but it's a life.
Not a happy end!
46 / 2:16
The gamesters of Triskellion
"Mentally superior" does not equal slavery, rascism, murder!
47 / 2:13
48 / 2:18
The immunity syndrome
I wonder what would happen to mankind, if you could always feel it when a human died?
When colleagues are also friends.
49 / 2:17
A piece of the action
If our people met the gangsters in Chicago.
Why the prime directive is good.
A creative solution to a problem.
50 / 2:22
By any other name
It is good to have senses! And feelings.
51 / 2:20
Return to tomorrow
Senses/feelings are good.
Humans do things, sometimes because they are dangerous.
If somebody we know as serious and honest becomes joking and crooked.
Life can be such, that death is better - for the sake of other people.
52 / 2:21
Patterns of force
One should not interfere.
Power corrupts.
53 / 2:24
The ultimate computer
Computers always have one more bug.
You can't be loyal to a machine.
54 / 2:23
The omega glory
Yangs/kohms (yankees/communists) after the war.
Bacterial warfare is stupid.
Eternal life is impossible.
The American constitution is good.
55 / 2:26
Assignment: Earth
Our crew in the "present".
Some people helping Earth, in secret.
Technology and science developed faster than the social sciences.
Violence is wrong.
Season 0 Season 1 Season 2 Season 3
56 / 3:6
Spectre of the gun
The wild west.
Mind over matter.
Test: is it possible to pressure people into murder?
57 / 3:13
Elaan of Troyius
A spoiled (unreasonable) behavior should be answered with firmness (reasonableness).
58 / 3:3
The paradise syndrome
Kirk and the indians meet.
If a stressed leader suddenly is able to relax.
59 / 3:2
The Enterprise incident
What is loyalty?
The captain, insane.
Deeply undercover.
Our captain, disguised as the enemy.
2 high ranking officers, one tempting the other. A woman tempting a man. The untempttable man, tempted. Then, a woman scorned.
Grand indeed.
60 / 3:4
And the children shall lead
Without supporters evil can't spread.
You don't have to understand what's going on to help evil?
Reality conquers fear?
61 / 3:1
Spock's brain
Nobody must kill anybody.
62 / 3:5
Is there in truth no beauty?
Unusual camera angles.
63 / 3:12
The empath
The empath is beautiful and good, and has beautiful music.
The scenery is very simple - sometimes just light and darkness - and works.
The will to live, to give your life for others, curiosity, are all good qualities.
64 / 3:9
The Tholian web
Why is the captain the captain, which human qualities does he need?
65 / 3:8
For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky
66 / 3:7
Day of the dove
Confidence and help.
No one can guarantee the actions of somebody else.
Those who hate must stop on their own initiative.
Wars are conducted by people, who are not in danger themselves.
Laughter is a good weapon against war.
67 / 3:10
Plato's stepchildren
Size, shape and color doesn't matter.
If a tyrant forces somebody else to choose between only bad things - then who is to blame for a bad thing happening?
It is good to consider the lifes of others before ones own.
68 / 3:11
Wink of an eye
The one I remember seeing on TV when I was a child.
69 / 3:17
That which survives
70 / 3:15
Let that be your last battlefield
Rascism. Slavery.
Death before broken principles.
Peace, individual rights, no violence.
Change is enescapable.
Give up your hate.
71 / 3:14
Whom Gods destroy
Perfect impersonation. How to break it.
The insane controlling the asylum.
Humane treatment of the mad.
72 / 3:16
The mark of Gideon
The Enterprise, totally empty.
Diplomats and bureaucrats are too slow.
The language of diplomacy.
Overpopulation, no possibility of being alone. No sickness, no death - no good. No pain.
Experiencing pain for the first time.
Seeing up through a glass table.
Love of life = no birth control?
73 / 3:18
The lights of Zetar
Scott falling in love.
Physical beings turning into energy, wanting to become physical again.
74 / 3:21
The cloudminders
A paradise. A false one, with violence hidden away. Class system, almost slavery. Torture. Seeing the slaves as inferior people.
Personal sacrifice is advanced.
Not believing in science.
75 / 3:20
The way to Eden
Intergalactic hippies, meeting our crew. I.H.'s are unrealistic.
Spock in a jam session!
Eden may look nice, but is dangerous.
Rather death than - facing reality?
76 / 3:19
Requiem for Methusaleh
Leaving a "wrong" sociey, living alone.
Intellect is first.
Humans have ugly sides, has to.
Creating emotions in an android. By abusing people. But it won't work.
The human right of choice.
Love is good - grand!
77 / 3:22
The savage curtain
Scotty in a kilt!
To fight or not to fight.
The right way to fight a war, the right reasons to.
If Kirk met Lincoln - if Spock met Surat.
78 / 3:23
All our yesterdays
Kirk and our past, 17th century England.
Spock, frustrated, without his logic, his shield against feelings - falling in love, kissing, smiling - but of course he can't stay that way.
79 / 3:24
Turnabout intruder
Kirk on the outside, an evil woman on the inside. And vice versa.
Revenge doesn't work. And looks pathetic.
Resistance by being passive.
A woman can't be captain.
Season 0 Season 1 Season 2 Season 3

(1) I used to play RPG's.