Why I love ST:TNG

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Number: first the PCode, then a combination of season:episode, according to air date.

Number / Name Why I liked it
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
721 / 1:1
Encounter at Farpoint
Ideals: honesty, peace, not giving up, intelligence, creativity, technology, common sense, speaking up and then obeying orders / asking for advice and then issuing orders, not obeying idiots, fairness, no fear of own death, protecting the lives of others, efficiency, courage, humanity, r & r, research, understanding, tolerance, not exactly keeping to the law, ex-lovers can be colleagues, exploration.
A dark part of their past (our future).
Do descendants answer to the ancestors crimes?
A conflict between the captain and the ambition of his first officer?
103 / 1:2
The naked now
Data and Tasha!
Beverley and Jean-Luc.
104 / 1:3
Code of honor
The prime directive.
Honor is wasteful?
107 / 1:4
The last outpost
The right to meet death awake.
A guardian of a dead empire.
Female clothing viewed as an invitation to unclothe the female - a distraction.
106 / 1:5
Where no one has gone before
Ideas made real.
Wesley an extraordinary person.
Space, time and thought are not the separate things they appear to be.
108 / 1:6
Lonely among us
Humans are vegetarians.
Learning by doing, or by going to school?
Data as Sherlock Holmes!
Matrix-like music.
109 / 1:7
Worf: "Nice planet." :-)
Interesting society: no one does anything uncomfortable to them, all life is about pleasure, physical fitness, music, nature, no machines - except: no crime, because the punishment for even the smallest crime is death, swift, painless. Is that okay? (No.) And if not: does that invalidate the possibility of the rest of this Eden?
"I'm with Star Fleet, we don't lie." Hm...
A god, that is really a vessel and crew.
Ignorance of the law is no defense.
A just law is not absolute, there must be exceptions.
Prime directive broken?
110 / 1:8
The battle
Nice ghost crew effect.
Revenge is unprofitable.
111 / 1:9
Hide and Q
That Matrix music again.
Change/growth is at the heart of human nature.
Our crew / Napoleon wars.
A contest in Shakespeare.
Are Q-like powers good for humans? We are not ready for it yet. Power corrupts...
105 / 1:10
That Matrix-twinge again...
Arranged weddings.
Mother/daughter relationships.
Complete honesty is good.
Seeing a bit of the future? Or lond distance telepathy? All beings connected all the time?
Virus warfare is foolish.
Relationship between in-laws.
A third wheel.
The music.
I give up: this is perfect. Except maybe the obnoxious Lwaxana?
113 / 1:11
The big goodbye
Our crew / 1941, San Francisco.
Beverley / Jean-Luc.
Fantasy becoming dangerously real. Reality turning out to be a fantasy.
Killing for a purpose.
The music.
114 / 1:12
Time enough, to just look.
Handling embarrassment.
Data, with a tick, a superiority complex, emotion - and evilness.
An actor playing 2 close parts.
115 / 1:13
Angel one
A matriarchy, with strong females.
La Forge (not used to lead) in command.
Life or principles?
A revolution, that doesn't happen overnight.
Attempt at breaking P.D.
116 / 1:14
Nice shot of the ship from above.
Perfect twins, moving in harmony.
Guilt in an android!
Loving, and losing.
Man should not love machine.
Very good episode.
112 / 1:15
Too short a season
An old man growing younger. Choosing not to grow old with his wife, not to even ask his wife. But - rejuvenation doesn't work. Doing the past over doesn't work. Revenge doesn't either.
Why is youth so important?
War is a choice.
118 / 1:16
When the bough breaks
Physical hurt - and the other kind...
Desperate situations.
Unlimited development of talent - or living with your family?
Passive resistance. Hunger strike.
Too much science is not good.
117 / 1:17
Home soil
Inorganic life, beautiful.
The definition of life.
"Ugly bags of mostly water." ;-)
Unintended destruction.
119 / 1:18
Coming of age
Mystery - what is the point of that investigation?
Covert tests.
The correct answer to disrespect.
A glimmer of something - a conspiracy.
Running away solves nothing.
120 / 1:19
Heart of glory
Looking through somebody else's eyes.
How Klingon is Worf? What is Klingon nature and culture anyway?
How Star Fleet is Worf?
Good one!
121 / 1:20
The arsenal of freedom
Peace through weapons?
A superior weapon killing its creators.
123 / 1:21
Withdrawal, drugs, dealing in drugs, deceit...
Negotiating with a kidnapper.
Using (abusing?) P.D.?
122 / 1:22
Skin of evil
A death in the crew. A burial. Touching.
A race "shedding" their evil side. Or? What is evil anyway?
Negotiating with a kidnapper.
Love of life. In a good life, death is acceptable.
124 / 1:23
We'll always have Paris
Time manipulation.
Old love, of Jean-Luc. Closure. Great actor!
125 / 1:24
When does one believe in a conspiracy?
A small arc (1:18 + 1:24).
126 / 1:25
The neutral zone
Our crew / 20th century people.
The challenge of life: improve and enrich yourself.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
127 / 2:1
The child
New faces, new places...
"I'm going to have this baby."
An android / birth.
When to be selfish, and when not to.
A jump to warp from the inside.
The counselor as mother.
Bartender = counselor?
The crew is one big happy family.
128 / 2:2
Where silence has lease
Suicide better then being killed.
Like rats in a maze.
What is death?
129 / 2:3
Elementary, dear Data
Our crew meets Moriarty, and 19th century London.
We learn by failing.
Can an android deduce?
What is life? Self-preservation.
Quiet episode, intelligent solution.
Politeness to a computer.
130 / 2:4
The outrageous Okona

Humor. Is good.
Choosing the kind of life you want.
Fewer demands, more talk.

132 / 2:5
Loud as a whisper
A mediator.
Intellect - passion - harmony. 3 parts of a person, so a deaf/mute person needs 3 translators.
Proud to be deaf.
Focus on the common, not the differences. Turn a disadvantage into an advantage.
Arrive to a conflict with no preconceived idead.
131 / 2:6
The schizoid man
Life doesn't have happy endings.
Pain is necessary.
Living forever. Won't work.
Android, wanting to be human. Exhibiting emotions, like love.
133 / 2:7
Unnatural selection
Genetic manipulation, dangerous.
134 / 2:8
A matter of honor
An exchange program!
Cultures crashing together.
Klingon culture.
Rather good!
135 / 2:9
The measure of a man
An old love.
We must protect the unique.
A farewell party for a crewmember.
When the law asks people to argue against their own opinion.
Is the android property, or a person?
Sentience: intelligence, consciousness, self-awareness.
The right to choose.
A soul.
136 / 2:10
The dauphin
A young man falls in love, for the first time.
A harsh governess.
Arrive to a conflict with no preconceived idead.
Duty. Destiny.
How to handle love / humor.
The Klingon finds a friend, unexpectedly.
Love isn't easy.
137 / 2:11
The android dies. Just kidding.
138 / 2:12
The Royale
Our crew meets the 20th century.
Logic to solve a problem.
The android as a gambler.
139 / 2:13
Time squared
Duplication through time travel.
"Knowing" about a catastrophe in the near future, and trying to avoid it.
The captain facing himself.
140 / 2:14
The Icarus factor
Estranged father/son.
A father daring to have a woman.
Forgiveness. Respect.
The first officer passing up a captains chair.
The Klingon lusting for celebration/violence.
Feelings are important.
The value of a good fight.
Martial arts, with a twist.
Coping with sorrow and loss.
Very, very interesting. Almost perfect.
141 / 2:15
Pen pals
The value of admitting ignorance.
Being in charge for the first time.
P.D. Breaking it.
The philosophical - and the real.
How rigid are rules?
Friendship / the android.
142 / 2:16
Q who?
Treating impoliteness with consequence.
Cyborg. Don't respond to weapons. Always enemies. Collective. Ignoring what isn't a threat. Stamina.
Taking a slice out of the ship - weird sight.
The captain admitting weakness.
Complacency needs kicking.
143 / 2:17
Samaritan snare
144 / 2:18
Up the long ladder
A Klingon romantic.
Our crew, and Irish farmers.
A creative solution.
Valuing the differences.
145 / 2:19
1941 and our crew.
146 / 2:20
The emissary

The Klingon meets an old love.
Our crew meets Klingons from the past, 75 years out of the loop.
There are always options.
Two half Klingons.
"Comfortable chair." :-)
Good one!

147 / 2:21
Peak performance
The ultimate simulation.
The leader picks his own team.
I love Worf!
Playing because the opponent is a master, and it is a privilige.
It is possible to make no mistake, and still lose. That is life.
Very good!
148 / 2:22
Shades of gray
Laughing in the face of danger and death.
Death is the ultimate test of character.
Not as bad as I feared.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
150 / 3:1
Admitting a mistake.
Putting all your eggs in one basket.
First contact.
How to live up to oneself as child genius.
Weird negotiations.
149 / 3:2
The ensigns of command.
When the law is the only acceptable way, using the law better than the opponent.
The limitations of the android.
The importance of things, of home.
151 / 3:3
The survivors.
How to help.
A pacifist, killing in anger.
An immortal loving a mortal.
152 / 3:4
Who watches the watchers?
Prime directive.
Studying primitive cultures, to understand ourselves.
A person being seen as a god.
Not accepting death.
First contact.
Good one!
153 / 3:5
The bonding
A child losing a parent.
Should parents avoid risks?
The crew losing a member.
Should the death of strangers be felt just as much as the death of a loved one?
The Klingon losing a person under his command.
Klingon culture.
Repressing feelings.
Reality is better.
Pain and joy are both essential.
Excellent Trek!
154 / 3:6
The booby trap
Dating = be yourself. Dating a hologram!
Fly in the ointment.
Technology isn't the answer.
155 / 3:7
The enemy
Blaming a group for an individuals error.
Dying for one's ideals.
Risking large scale war.
Trusting an enemy. Helping an enemy.
Enemy mine!
156 / 3:8
The price
Stress in a person who professionally handles stress.
Falling in love.
Negotiations = poker!
Ethics and empathy.
Taking a chance - and losing.
Love is not to change your lover.
Nice one!
157 / 3:9
The vengeance factor
Carrying a resentment - long. Feuds.
Having to kill a loved one.
Choosing immortality in order to kill.
158 / 3:10
The defector
The Shakespeare actor plays Shakespeare!
Risking that large scale war again.
Lies in lies in lies...
A wonderful surprise at the end.
The hope for peace.
159 / 3:11
The hunted
The perfect soldier.
Soldiers, who can't be reintegrated into society. And who are then put into prison instead.
Soldiers coming home, with heavy psychological problems, and not welcome. (Vietnam.)
160 / 3:12
The high ground
Terrorists. IRA again.
Non-coorperation, hunger strike.
Should a society, historically based on violence, defend violence?
Willing to die for a cause. And kill.
Is it neutral/okay to help one side in a conflict?
Violent = wrong in all ways?
161 / 3:13
Deja Q
Bullying lower lifeforms, and then suddenly lowered to the same level.
162 / 3:14
A matter of perspective
A crime mystery!
Crime doesn't pay!
163 / 3:15
Yesterday's Enterprise
Time travel and parallel universe.
Our crew turns military, losing a war.
The wise bartender.
Our crew meets the predecessor ship and crew.
Everybody gets to die!
I luv it!
164 / 3:16
The offspring
The android gets a child.
Can the android procreate?
Choosing one's sex, and race.
Learning by teaching.
The meaning of life.
Removing a child from her parent.
The striving is important, not actually getting there.
Humor - the fast charmer overtaken.
The child exceeding the parent.
Losing a child. Touching.
165 / 3:17
Sins of the father
Klingon culture.
The Kilngon's brother.
The family affected by the individual members. The Enterprise affected by the individual crew member!
Politics. A scapegoat.
The captain starts his Klingon "career".
Almost perfect - but somehow Duras didn't seem Klingon to me.
166 / 3:18
Kidnapped - but why?
The captain kissing the doctor! And singing.
Suspicion. Trust.
Experimenting and observing.
167 / 3:19
Captain's holiday
"A crewmember is sick..." - Picard is smarter than Kirk!
Time travel.
A half naked captain! With a woman!
168 / 3:20
Tin man
A mentally unstable specialist/telepath.
One lonely soul seeking another.
A living ship.
The meaning of life.
First contact.
169 / 3:21
Hollow pursuits
Alternate versions of our crew: "Barclay is the best", "Greek gods" and "3 musceteers".
Insecurity. Isolation. Living a fantasy. Addiction.
Holo ethics.
Decoding dreams.
Another mentally unstable specialist.
170 / 3:22
The most toys
The android dies! (They think.)
A collector.
The ability to kill.
Non-coorperation. But not at the loss of life.
"Your fault that I killed."
171 / 3:23
An emotional Vulcan. An emotional everybody!
There are always other solutions.
2 living legends, bonding.
Great acting from Stewart!
Very, very good!
172 / 3:24
Ménage à Troi
The end is funny - and clever.
Oh, and by the way: the family is happy for its youngest member.
173 / 3:25
The security officer dies - for a little while.
Stopping evolution, of fear.
Beings of light and energy.
174 / 3:26
The best of both worlds, part I
Captain - or first officer on the flagship?
We change, we grow older.
The chain of command.
Killing a friend to win a battle?
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
175 / 4:1
The best of both worlds, part II
Good shot of the shuttle leaving Enterprise.
The captain as bad, singleminded guy.
"Processing. Processing. Fascinating!" 100% the android.
Letting go.
178 / 4:2
Big events have big consequences.
Estranged brothers.
Development. Or not?
Saying the important things. Love.
A good fight clears the air.
Mental rape.
When a member of the family suffers, the rest helps.
177 / 4:3
The android is awesome when he decides to be so.
The android meets his dead father. His dying father.
The offer to suddenly get emotions.
Brothers forgive. Hm...
176 / 4:4
Suddenly human
Child abuse?
Respecting the choice of otehrs. Respect.
179 / 4:5
Remember me
Something like the end of "Demolished man".
Suddenly alone.
180 / 4:6
An interesting kind of war.
Fighting for peace.
A dead crewmans sister? Does it matter?
Cowardice. Or just choosing something other than war?
Friendship. With the android.
181 / 4:7
The Klingon gains a surprise son! And loses the mother.
The captain continues his Klingon career.
Complicated love.
The Klingon becomes a murderer.
Good one.
182 / 4:8
Future imperfect
Our crew suddenly years into the future.
Nice touch: the doctor is older, and slower.
Another surprise son!
An important B5 actor!
Being a good father.
False realities.
The need to be with other people.
183 / 4:9
Final mission
Not quitting.
A crewmember leaves!
184 / 4:10
The loss
Losing something truly valuable. Accepting that.
185 / 4:11
Data's day
Events, not seen from "within".
Nice, quiet surprise.
186 / 4:12
The wounded
Hostility towards the former enemy.
187 / 4:13
Devil's due
Religion. Prophecy, abusing it.
Turning from technology to agriculture.
Technology disguised as magic. A con artist!
"The advocate will refrain from making her opponent disappear."
188 / 4:14
A mystery.
Is the android lying?
189 / 4:15
First contact
Science, going too fast.
First contact, standard procedure.
The lover, forced to make love.
An imaginative version of how we might have been.
Our crew, seen from the outside.
190 / 4:16
Galaxy's child
Killing a first contact.
"You seem to know things about me..."
191 / 4:17
Night terrors
Tired. Paranoid.
Slowly going mad.
Dream deprivation.
192 / 4:18
Identity crisis
An interesting holodeck reconstruction.
The invisible man.
193 / 4:19
The Nth degree
Phantasy. Theater.
The nerd is suddenly even more intelligent, and confident.
Man/machine connection.
Power corrupts.
194 / 4:20
Women, off to compare notes. Funny!
"You never told any of your friends about me."
Our crew in Sherwood Forest.
195 / 4:21
The drumhead
196 / 4:22
Half a life
Determined woman going after a man.
Elderly love.
Deeply touching. Very good.
197 / 4:23
The host
The doctor in love. One consciousness, many bodies.
The doctor in love with the first officer / the lover!
A hint of lesbianism.
198 / 4:24
The mind's eye
Brain washed.
False memories. Frustration at knowing they are false.
199 / 4:25
In theory
The android practices being a boyfriend.
Trying too hard.
200 / 4:26
Honor restored. Lies exposed.
Wearing two hats. Making it simple, and resigning from one of them.
Civil war.
The actor behind a dead crewmember shows up as - what?
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
201 / 5:1
Redemption, part II
Enemies who respect each other, drink together.
Can an android command a ship?
Time to work, time to play.
When not to obey an order.
202 / 5:2
An extraordinary language.
Very interesting.
203 / 5:3
Ensign Ro
The very unpopular crewmember.
A people after years and years of war.
Tricks, tricks, tricks... Politics and war.
Giving someone with potential a chance.
204 / 5:4
Silicon avatar
Hating an enemy.
Burying the dead.
Doing something for somebody else, not for one's own sake - doesn't work.
205 / 5:5
A non-commander in command.
A non-child-person handling children in his own way.
An unlikely birth helper.
Everybody having to think and work alone.
206 / 5:6
The game
Take over by a hostile force.
The last sane one on board.
208 / 5:7
Unification, part I
A traitor, defecting?
Facing senility.
Teasing a bureaucrat.
Our people playing by Klingon rules, and impersonating Romulans.
207 / 5:8
Unification, part II
Spock meets Data!
Very charming bar musician.
Very interesting!
209 / 5:9
A matter of time
Time travel. With a twist.
Changing the past - our crews present.
210 / 5:10
New ground
Should a child be with the parents?
A lying child. A stealing child. A child suffering a loss.
211 / 5:11
Hero worship
A child suffering a loss. Reaching out to the android. Emulating the android. (Which is emulating humans!)
212 / 5:12
Love. Excellent scene of Riken, with the comatose Troi.
Politely accusing.
Mental rape.
213 / 5:13
The masterpiece society
A world, closed off from everything else.
A perfect world, choosing only the best.
Only having those people, the society needs. Balance.
Nothing unexpected. Boring?
Life of principles?
Some qualities of life unacceptable.
A chance to leave the perfect society.
We grow through facing challenges.
Perfection is impossible.
Very intriguing.
214 / 5:14
Everybody has memory loss.
Rebuilding the chain of command, and the rest of the situation, letting the not-forgotten personalities decide.
Our crew, suddenly at war.
215 / 5:15
Power play
The unemotional android - angry.
The gentle empath - hard.
The family man - threatening his wife.
216 / 5:16
The warrior loses his ability to walk. And now wants euthanasia.
Medical experimental science.
Grasping for straws.
Serious surgery. Death. Well...
217 / 5:17
The outcast
No gender.
The male lover and the genderless visitor.
When heterosexuality is the abnormal state!
Room for diversity.
218 / 5:18
Cause and effect
Fun with time travel. And precognition.
Almost perfect - except, why does a time loop take time?
219 / 5:19
The first duty
The glory of extreme danger.
220 / 5:20
Cost of living
Parents and children. And "grandparents".
Enjoying life.
221 / 5:21
The perfect mate
An empath. Knowing what the nearest man wishes.
A woman as a gift. Being the perfect wife. Arranged marriage.
Studying the captain.
Forbidden love. Impossible love.
The perfect episode, except for the Ferengi.
222 / 5:22
Imaginary friend
Imaginary friends. (Surprise!) Friends.
Grownups restrict children, for their own good.
223 / 5:23
I, Borg
Helping the enemy.
The enemy is a person.
An individual who has never known individuality.
224 / 5:24
The next phase
2 crew members die. Become ghosts. Accepting death? How to get in touch with the "living".
225 / 5:25
The inner light
A chance at a very different life. The bachelor with a wife, and children.
A dying world, leaving something behind.
And then returning to the 1st life, years later!
A society I'd like to live in.
Very, very, very good. And so simple.
226 / 5:26
Time's arrow, part I
Time travel.
Facing one's own death. When expecting to live forever. Facing a friends death.
Our crew, in USA, 1900.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
227 / 6:1
Time's arrow, part II
The beginning of a friendship.
228 / 6:2
Realm of fear
Fear. Phobia. Therapy.
A transport, seen from the inside.
Fearing the worst - and it happens.
When to speak up. When to believe.
229 / 6:3
Man of the people
Serenity. By transferring the negative feelings to somebody else.
Jealous. And horny...
Interesting shot with 2 mirrors.
Friendship. (Deanna and Will.)
230 / 6:4
A Dyson sphere.
Scotty! Living history.
2 engineers.
Old. Alone. Useless.
231 / 6:5
Time disappearing.
Guinea pigs.
232 / 6:6
True Q
Harnessing one's powers. Choosing whether to use them.
Choosing to be one's identity.
233 / 6:7
Our crew, as children.
Having a childs mind.
243 / 6:8
A fistful of Datas
Our crew in the wild west. Especially the android, who gets to play all the parts!
235 / 6:9
The quality of life
The android gets a family. But is it life? And is it friendly?
236 / 6:10
Chain of command, part I
Getting a new boss.
237 / 6:11
Chain of command, part II
Torture. Humiliation.
Other new bosses.
238 / 6:12
Ship in a bottle
Moriarty. Intelligent.
Mind over matter!
Illusion. Simulation. Illusion within illusion!
Complicated. Good!
239 / 6:13
Learning about someone dead through her personal letters home. And then she's not dead! And feels - exposed.
240 / 6:14
Face of the enemy
Some very effective use of darkness in the beginning.
The counselor as a Romulan. The softspoken getting an edge.
241 / 6:15
The captain dies.
If I could go back and do it again...
Taking chances.
Very good.
242 / 6:16
Birthright, part I
A long dead father is alive!
The android dreams. About his father.
Some interesting paintings.
243 / 6:17
Birthright, part II
A prison, or a chosen home?
Life, or honor? Life, or a meaning?
When truth spells trouble.
Prejudice. Mixed marriage.
Cultural or genetic?
244 / 6:18
Starship mine
Small talk.
The captain, incognito on his own ship.
Stealing uranium. Terrorists.
245 / 6:19
Can a captain be in love with a crewmember? No.
Love or career?
Simple. Elegant. Good.
246 / 6:20
The chase
Change career?
Diversity, but still unity.
A giant, ancient jigsaw puzzle - encrypted!
An explanation for why so many races look the same way - a mystery first seen in TOS!
247 / 6:21
Frame of mind
Impressive mirror effect.
248 / 6:22
Scientific research. Involving death.
Facing losing the job.
A murder mystery.
249 / 6:23
Rightful heir
Klingon overdrive.
A religious crisis.
Waiting for God - and suddenly, there he is!
A society needing a new leader.
250 / 6:24
Second chances
If no. 1 had stayed super-ambitious.
If there were 2 copies of a person, separate for many years.
If an old love was suddenly there again.
A nice little treasure hunt.
Being insubordinate to oneself.
251 / 6:25
Fun with time.
Disasters unfolding in slow motion.
252 / 6:26
Descent, part I
Stephen Hawking!
The emotionless experiences feelings.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
253 / 7:1
Descent, part II
A good one turning evil.
In the absence of leadership, anybody can step in as the next leader.
254 / 7:2
Researching "certain concepts": love, pleasure and antagonism. Secretly, and to the extreme.
255 / 7:3
Seeing and moving through a mashine.
Mother missing - stubbornly presumed alive.
Saying goodbye to the dead.
256 / 7:4
Gambit, part I
The captain dies. And the no. 1 goes missing. The android in command.
Our crew as mercenaries.
257 / 7:5
Gambit, part II
A new no. 1.
Combining the chain of command with friendship.
To kill with a thought. The ultimate defense? Oh, I like this!
And a humorous end too.
Quite good.
258 / 7:6
A dream. A nightmate.
259 / 7:7
Dark page
A new, difficult language.
An old neurosis re-surfacing. Grief. I am touched.
Visiting the subconscious.
A long dead father. And a sister!
260 / 7:8
Unity at home before trying unity in a larger setting.
Telepathy. (Again?) Suddenly!
Paranoia. (Excuse me, "security".)
Hint at a love for years - and then finally show it.
Choose love?
261 / 7:9
Force of nature
Speed limits! Because of pollution.
Forced to destroy (and selfdestruct), in order to save.
262 / 7:10
The android has a mother. (In more than one sense.) Telling embarrassing baby stories!
Having children, who might not survive.
Ignorance is bliss?
263 / 7:11
2 of the crew becoming stepbrother and sister. Or even married!
Alternate universes, gradually changing. Disorientation.
The crew in general changing status.
Humor. "285,000 hails" indeed.
264 / 7:12
The Pegasus
Running into a former captain. Having to lie to the present captain.
Should orders just be obeyed?
We change as we get older.
Passing through solid matter - like a ghost.
Taking responsibility.
Actually quite good!
265 / 7:13
A foster brother. A sister in law! And a niece or nephew!
The P.D.
266 / 7:14
Sub rosa
A (dead) grandmother. And her young lover - inherited!
Women discussing men.
A ghost.
267 / 7:15
Lower decks
For once, seeing the decisions from the outside, not knowing everything.
Seeking promotion.
The 2 parallel poker games.
If unfair, then protest.
Secrets. From friends.
Losing a crewmember.
Actually rather good.
268 / 7:16
Thine own self
Amnesia. The android forgets his nature. And dies!
Education. Evaluation.
Science. The empirical method.
New & strange = dangerous.
It is exciting to command.
269 / 7:17
The android with multiple personalities: a whole mythology.
270 / 7:18
Eye of the beholder
A jumper - a suicide.
Reliving somebody else's life - and death.
An affair between crewmembers.
271 / 7:19
The crew as animals.
The children are the future!
272 / 7:20
Journey's end
Forcibly moving groups of people.
Prophecy. Vision.
Identity crisis.
The right to make our own choices.
273 / 7:21
Children, and expectations of parents.
Tradition, heritage.
Time travel.
Is it weak to opt for peace?
274 / 7:22
A surprise son! Making a first connection.
275 / 7:23
Surreal. A metaphor. Symbols.
The ship gains intelligence. And procreates.
276 / 7:24
Preemptive strike
Continuing to fight, after the peace treaty.
Infiltration. Spying. Cross, and double cross.
A new father.
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All good things...
Time travel.
What happens to the crew in the future - except, now they know.
Developing romances.
A 3D space battle - how unusual.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7