Why I love ST movies

Why I love Star Trek
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Number / Name Why I liked it
The motion picture
The search for absolute logic, absolute non-emotion. But emotions are necessary.
Being demoted. Does the new old captain know his job? Is he too obsessed?
A rare transporter accident.
An old love affair.
When a friend is also a superior officer.
Long, beautiful shots.
How AI might see us.
An omniscient, omnipotent child.
Questions. Philosophical. Spiritual.
A marriage made in heaven. The birth of a new lifeform.
The wrath of Khan
Playing a game, that can't be won. To learn.
Feeling old.
Not being content in ones job.
Revenge. Won't work of course.
The power to create life. And destroy...
Mind control.
An old love. And, surprise, a grown son.
Intelligence has to be matched by an even temper.
Sacrifice. A dead friend and crewmember.
The search for Spock
Nice visual recycling of the end of the previous movie.
A dead man mysteriously not quite dead.
Enterprise retired! Destroyed.
Seeing a creative force as destructive.
Good lord! Reliving the moment of a friends death.
Not giving up, simply because things are hard.
Breaking rules. Because of loyalty.
The accustomed people in unaccutomed civilian clothes.
The younger generation, superior - or rahter, laughable. Impatient.
A rapidly agin boy/man.
A dead son.
An intelligent plan.
2 minds, 2 bodies, not evenly distributed.
"Fine, I'll kill you later." :-)
Admitting deep friendship.
The voyage home
Time travel. Our crew in the 1980s. If we could go with the crew.
Getting in trouble for the sins of the past: hunting a species to extinction.
Humor. Let's have fun!
Communication problems.
Saving Earth.
Great shot of a spaceship appearing in front of a boat.
Silhouettes against screens of static. Also great.
Demoted. With pleasure. Captain of a new ship. A new Enterprise. Touching.
Father and son. A father admitting a mistake.

First contact
Because of my past, I am not trusted. Rightfully... I am not in defense, I seek revenge.
A nifty new ship.
Time travel. How to prevent/protect a historic moment, a turning point.
A post armegeddon society.
Humor. Deanna drunk, priceless. "Sounds Swedish." Introducing Vulcans to rock'n'roll.
One movie drawing on 3 TV-series.
A terryfying invasion. Evacuate? And if yes, does the captain stay?
Assembling the queen, looks impressive.
The first meeting between 2 cultures.
Sneaking "Star trek" into the dialogue.
The pressure of having to be a hero some day.
EVA. Inventive use of zero gravity.
Is the ends growth or perfection? Are the means force?
Temptation. Sex.
Badass oneliners.
Friends help each other.
A primitive society, by choice. But skilled, mentally. Living in the moment. Paradise. Invisible intruders. An elaborate kidnapping plan.
A super android run amok. Gone from gentle to hostile. Sick. Is termination the only choice?
The search for immortality. The hard way. Or as a gift, accepted as such.
An old love affair rekindled - yeah! And the captain in love too. Rejuvenation all around.
Forced relocation of "tribes" is not okay.
The scary sight of the captain taking off his pips.
Running people beamed out, looks good.
Learning more about humanity by emulating children.
The effect that hatred is bigger between family members than in any other situation.
The captain's couch.
A new and terrible weapon. Cool.
A romance finally turned into a wedding - yeah! A very good, at times moving, speach from the best man.
The captain has a new toy.
Yet another brother for the android. Slightly childlike. Innocent. Dangerous.
A character from a sister series.
When is a clone or a copy cause for alarm?
The slaves turned rulers.
Mental rape.
What if I had been born a slave - would I have turned evil?
A small ship leaving a large ship - the long way around.
2 ships smashing together. And then, even worse, separating.
Accepting death to protect others.
Leaping between ships.
A dead crewmember.
No. 1 finally a captain.
Lots of creepy, dark green.
There's always a choice.