Why I love ST:DS9

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Number: first the PCode, then a combination of season:episode, according to air date.

Number / Name Why I liked it
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
721 / 1:1
Losing a wife. Moving on.
Intriguing shot of a shuttle (?) leaving a ship.
Cleaning up a mess.
The shapechanger orphan. Impressive effects!
The father and the teenage son.
The trader, gambler, thief...
The one, who's against everything.
The transsexual?
The adventure seeker.
The arrogant enemy.
The technician, who can do everything.
The wormhole.
Existence without linear time.
404 / 1:2
Past prologue
Loyalty, spying...
403 / 1:3
A man alone
Justice / laws.
Children. A multi-cultural school.
Suspecting the security officer of a crime.
405 / 1:4
406 / 1:5
Captive pursuit
Informal first contact.
An honorable death. A hunt. Breeding an intelligent species for this purpose.
Prime directive.
Playing by the rules.
407 / 1:6
408 / 1:7
Enjoying life.
409 / 1:8
The passenger
Who's in charge? What's the right way?
Possessed. The doctor is evil.
410 / 1:9
Move along home
Live role playing.
Solving riddles.
411 / 1:10
The Nagus
Disappointing sons.
412 / 1:11
An amateur thief! An honorable criminal.
The orphan has family? A home?
The security chief lets a prisoner go!
413 / 1:12
Battle lines
Immortality. Spent dying... Real life or real death.
War. Violence. Is wrong.
414 / 1:13
The storyteller
Mystery. Mysticism.
Succession. To what? And without consent. And skipping the natural succession.
Mind over matter.
415 / 1:14
"I lived here, and I'll die here."
One man against society.
416 / 1:15
If wishes were horses
Imagination coming true.
Meeting somebody else's fantasy of oneself.
417 / 1:16
The forsaken
A lift in motion seen from the inside.
The shapeshifter in focus.
The real person comes out in a crisis.
We all need love.
418 / 1:17
Dramatis personae.
Weird things, subtle personality changes.
Mutiny, choosing sides.
419 / 1:18
War criminal, or innocent?
A war criminal, justifying himself.
Punish me. Punish us.
Not all of the enemies actually are.
420 / 1:19
In the hands of the prophets
A non-believing religious leader?
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
421 / 2:1
The homecoming
Rescuing POWs.
Choosing which should be rescued, and which not...
A war hero. A new leader? A symbol. A legend.
Expectations. Exaggerations.
A crewmember replaced!
422 / 2:2
The circle
A spiritual experience. A prophecy.
Civil war. Weird politics.
423 / 2:3
The siege.
424 / 2:4
Invasive procedures
Not accepting a test result.
The crook changing personality, becoming a friend. Will he continue the crime? Will he lose his old loved one?
425 / 2:5
Prejudice. Against children.
A child in a political game?
A mystery.
426 / 2:6
A proud "handicapped". Proud - and impolite. Handicap = identity.
Recognizing verbal attacks.
We all need help.
Falling in love.
A wonder cure.
427 / 2:7
Rules of aquisition
A woman with ambition.
"Woman disguised as man falls in love with man."
428 / 2:8
Necessary evil
The station, 5 years ago.
"If I tell him this, will we stay friends?"
429 / 2:9
Second sight
The widower with a new woman.
The subconscious made real.
Divorce. Love.
430 / 2:10
Dominion, again.
Refugess. Who can't stay.
We benefit from openness.
431 / 2:11
Stealing and abusing peoples secrets.
432 / 2:12
The alternate
A crewmembers father. Controlling.
Glimpses of a forgotten past.
Searching for a criminal - possibly oneself? Dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde.
433 / 2:13
Armegeddon game
2 crewmembers die. It seems...
Catching a terrible disease.
Partners and career. Marriage.
Destroying a weapon, and all knowledge about it. Including people.
434 / 2:14
Everybody gets to be liars.
I am not me.
A nice mystery to the end.
435 / 2:15
When technology doesn't work.
Paradise. Which of course it isn't.
Unbreakable principles.
436 / 2:16
Education. Choosing the right one.
We are all fake. But - what is reality?
437 / 2:17
Playing God
Do what you want.
438 / 2:18
Profit and loss
Political refugee. Fighting a military government.
An old love.
The Cause or personal happiness?
Very good!
439 / 2:19
Blood oath
Whether to keep a promise.
Whether to kill.
Great warriors with gray hair.
Whether to live.
440 / 2:20
The Maquis, part I
Terrorists. And the leaders on both sides working together against them.
A warlike Vulcan?
An admiral as terrorist!
441 / 2:21
The Maquis, part II
Who do we help, and who do we hinder? When it's not black/white.
442 / 2:22
The wire
Detoxification. Withdrawal.
An almost nice person, suddenly arrogant.
People in an SF series reading SF!
443 / 2:23
Alternate universe. More violent, darker. The humans much lower. But the good captain a pirate! And no. 2 a slightly insane no. 1.
A continuation of a TOS episode!
Love thy self.
The shapechanger is shot - nice effect.
444 / 2:24
The collaborator
Visions. Prophecy. Destiny.
Campaign before the election.
Traitors. But how many? And what is treason? And what about my lover?
445 / 2:25
The tribunal
Caught in a nightmare of a legal system.
446 / 2:26
The Jem'Hadar
Finally we see part of the Dominion. Very powerful, and pissed off.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
447 / 3:1
The search, part I
A new ship. Brutal!
A crewmember quits.
How long before a place becomes home?
And the orphan finally finds a family.
448 / 3:2
The search, part II
True bonding.
Taking on the physical shape to understand the mind.
Something BIG and scary about to happen.
The family was a disappointment.
449 / 3:3
The house of Quark
Choosing truth/lying for profit. Or respect. Or survival, and honor.
Unemployment. And a loved one wanting to help.
A cowardly businessman the head of a violent warrior family.
Suddenly married.
450 / 3:4
Repressed memory. Embracing it - becoming whole.
A dangerous secret, kept by society.
451 / 3:5
Second skin
I am actually one of my own enemies! With new "friends".
A mystery.
"Total recall".
Not all emenies are enemies.
Good one.
452 / 3:6
The abandoned
Children. Growing up.
The shapechanger, in self-examination.
Not all enemies are enemies.
"You were right."
453 / 3:7
Civil defense
Fighting for life, against a thing. Or, against the enemy?
Paranoia. Hitting oneself - he he.
454 / 3:8
Love. Almost marriage. Leaving friends behind.
A planet, disappearing and reappearing. The body, disappearing and reappearing.
455 / 3:9
Stressed. Forced to slow down.
What is a real terrorist?
Trying desperately to be better than a brother.
456 / 3:10
Love (the O'Brien's). Infatuation (everybody else).
High expectations, disappointed. The "I am tired" quarrel. How wonderfully ordinary.
457 / 3:11
Past tense, part I
Time travel. Reinstating the timelines.
Our crew meets us, almost.
"Dealing" with the unemployed and homeless. Ghetto. Being dealt with - and protesting.
Interesting fashion.
458 / 3:12
Past tense, part II
The captain as terrorist.
A cross section of times. Humor.
459 / 3:13
Life support
A lover dies. Or not. But is willing to die to help others. Should it be allowed? Doing so much to keep him alive, that his personality will change?
Teenage dating. Teenage friendship.
Friendship across cultures.
460 / 3:14
Heart of stone
A willing pupil. A test, of character.
Facing death.
Secretly in love.
Avoiding the lousy career of father, making it better.
A test of loyalty.
461 / 3:15
Working towards peace through scientific cooperation.
Prophecy. Basing your life on religion?
462 / 3:16
Prophet motive
Capitalism and greed. And the opposite.
463 / 3:17
Seeing the future. Existing in 2 versions. (And everybody else relaxed about it!) Of course - seeing ones own death, and trying to avoid it.
"I always investigate Quark."
A bit unusual, facing death 3 times in 15 hours - but apart from that, wonderful!
464 / 3:18
Distant voices
Cute - fear of turning 30.
Alone, hunted, in the dark, old.
Discussing with one's own subpersons.
The fear of succeeding.
A good morale is important when fighting disease.
465 / 3:19
Through the looking glass
Alternative universe.
A chance to meet a dead spouse once more, and save her life this time.
Friends suddenly lovers. Other interesting twists in personality, and charaters.
466 / 3:20
Improbable cause
Murder attempt, at the spy. Only part of a bigger picture. Connected to a war about to start.
A trying to kill B, B trying to save A.
Sent in exile - but accepted back.
467 / 3:21
The die is cast
Genocide, in a first strike war.
The wish to go home.
468 / 3:22
Science is fun. And discovery.
A beautiful spaceship.
Don't give up.
The kids, growing up, moving out...
No big wars. Nobody dies. No sudden falling in love. Nice!
Healing a misunderstanding.
Kontiki, Heyerdahl...
469 / 3:23
Family business
Mother, behaving shamefully.
A blind date.
Male chauvinism.
470 / 3:24
Old friends.
An old rebel, going back to fighting against the government? Represented by - old friends.
Wanting to be right, no matter what.
471 / 3:25
Borrowing the mind of somebody else.
Meeting earlier versions of oneself.
Putting the past to rest.
Taking an exam.
Very good!
472 / 3:26
The adversary
Rather die than start a war.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
718 / 4:1
The way of the warrior
A crew transfer!
Having to choose between loyalties.
An unexpected new enemy. A new war?
The captain in love.
Career crisis.
476 / 4:2
The visitor
The kid as he will be in the future, old, grown up, married.
Losing a parent too soon. Not letting go. Never living in the moment.
The captain dies. Or? Skipping ahead in time. Not quite there, not quite gone.
Losing a child too soon! The child dying to save the parent.
Very good!
475 / 4:3
Hippocratic oath
Prisoner. Help the guardians? Escape?
Mutation? (Cure from addiction.)
Hoe to uphold the law. Learning new rules, bending the rules.
Friends, who are also in the chain of command.
477 / 4:4
Trying to save an old friend, and family.
Taking a romantic relationship to the next stage?
Old enemies, laughing together.
Children of relationships between enemies - in trouble on both sides.
478 / 4:5
Meeting an old love again. Resisting. Giving in. Breaking rules? Give up immortality? Do everything for love? Separating - not even saying goodbye.
Lesbians - sort of.
Very good.
480 / 4:6
Little green men
A friend leaving.
Time travel. Our people meeting 1947.
Humans, killing themselves.
479 / 4:7
Starship down
A wounded spaceship, and pockets of the crew fighting, in unusual positions.
How to treat nerds - eh, engineers.
Watching an idol drift away.
Close to a dreamgirl.
481 / 4:8
The sword of Kahless
A treasure hunt. Adventure.
Pass the treasure and its power to the right people, or keep it?
482 / 4:9
Our man Bashir
Everybody gets to play a character in a James Bond movie.
The spy gets to be another kind of spy.
483 / 4:10
Earth/home in danger. Suspicion against the "enemy"/prejudice. On the other hand, not paranoid enough?
The captain transferred.
Father/son relationship.
484 / 4:11
Paradise lost
In defending the planet the society is destroyed. Dictatorship. Treason. Conspiracy.
Getting people to fight themselves.
Creating an enemy.
A neat spacefight.
485 / 4:12
Romance, getting in the way of work. Choosing to give it up.
486 / 4:13
Return to grace
Old enemies, now on the same side.
Fighting against a superior enemy, with brains.
It's good to be a soldier?
487 / 4:14
The sons of Mogh
A brohter. Lost.
Loyalty. Honor. Death/euthanasia.
Loyalties at odds.
A very fast medical beam out.
A new identity.
The Klingon way.
488 / 4:15
Bar association
Union. Strike.
The good old days?
489 / 4:16
Being a religious icon. Willingly?
Suddenly skipping 200 years, having to adjust.
A baby on the way.
Castes. Pre-chosen career.
Being with the family, or with friends?
490 / 4:17
Rules of engagement
The captain as lawyer.
Civilization or instinct?
Interesting flashbacks.
An accident? A trap?
War without civilian losses.
491 / 4:18
Hard time
The far future. No, simulated years. Simulated prison time. The past almost forgotten, the present maybe a dream.
Getting used to life after prison.
Mentally ill. In need of help, but refusing. Suicidal.
Accidentally killing a friend. Guilt. Feeling primitive.
492 / 4:19
Shattered mirror
Alternate timeline. Alternate mother/wife. More violence.
493 / 4:20
The muse
Pregnant, and the father is unreasonable.
Coach for a writer. Sorry, vampire.
A wedding. A love declaration.
Genius traded for long life.
494 / 4:21
For the cause
A loved one on the other side, a traitor? Having to lie to each other.
Terrorist or freedom fighter?
Starting a friendship. The enemy of my friend doesn't have to be an enemy.
A surprise ending.
A great speach at the end.
496 / 4:22
To the death
Cooperating with the enemy.
495 / 4:23
The quickening
A plague, killing everybody. Painfully.
Living to die. Not wanting cures.
Wanting to cure, hastening death instead.
A cure. Sort of.
497 / 4:24
Body parts
A dying crewmember. "I have wasted my life."
Surrogate mother. Gaining a new family.
Killing an enemy. In a very weird way.
Choosing the right basis of life.
498 / 4:25
Broken link
An attack of - what? Disease? The only possibility: to go "home".
A judgement.
Total honesty.
Exile. Losing home, after learning what it really is.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
499 / 5:1
Apocalypse rising
Our crew as Klingons.
Exposing an impersonator.
Depression, feeling worthless.
500 / 5:2
The ship
Finding an intact enemy ship. And a treasure. The enemy want it back. A siege. Negotiatiors not trusting each other.
A wounded crewmember. Dying. So much death. Was it worth it?
Being the captain.
501 / 5:3
Looking for par'Mach in all the wrong places
In love. And other aspects of love. Love by proxy / Cyrano de Bergerac.
Fighting by proxy!
502 / 5:4
Nor the battle to the strong
A doctor rushing to an emergency, danger. Many wounded. Death. Panic. Guilt. Cowardice. Or courage?
Writing a documentary - then getting involved.
504 / 5:5
The assignment
If the wife became a criminal.
Blackmail. Secrecy.
Ambition. Eagerness.
Fallen angels.
503 / 5:6
Trials and tribble-ations
Time travel.
Tribute to another, classic episode.
If our crew lived a century earlier.
Meeting a legend.
Reference to X-files.
Nice. Good idea.
505 / 5:7
Let he who is without sin...
Romance. Jealousy.
Change society, back to primitive, hard, real life. Development through destruction.
A ceremony for separation.
"I am too strong. I must hold back."
506 / 5:8
Things past
Time travel? And alternate timeline? Flashback?
Being a hero, knowing it is not true.
507 / 5:9
The ascent
The kids grow up.
Friends change - grow apart?
Enemies (?) having to work together.
508 / 5:10
A "Close encounter" moment, playing with food.
A vision: past, future, the meaning of everyting... And then losing the vision.
Finding an ancient city.
How does everyone else react on a visionary, driven by strong beliefs to do abnormal stuff.
When can a relative overrule the will of a sick person?
So good!
509 / 5:11
The darkness and the light
Standing helplessly by as friends die.
Weaker because of a pregnancy.
Revenge. Justified? Won't work.
510 / 5:12
The begotten
Getting an adoptive child. And, a real childbirth.
Should the raising of children be left to mere loving parents?
When a child is also of scientific interest.
Losing a child.
A lost ability regained. A lost relationship reformed.
511 / 5:13
For the uniform
A dangerous traitor.
Personal disappointment, revenge. Using too much energy on a small criminal.
Catching a criminal through deep, psychological knowledge of the criminal.
512 / 5:14
In Purgatory's shadow
An extreme threat - and extreme measures.
Flee from the danger, or stay?
A father, dying.
513 / 5:15
By Inferno's light
Once an enemy, always an enemy?
An impersonator.
Courage is to face fear, and then do it anyway.
514 / 5:16
Dr. Bashir, I presume
Crossover character / actor.
Made immortal. Sort of "here is your life".
The parents. A family secret.
Genetic enhancement. Taboo.
Not taking responsibility.
515 / 5:17
A simple investigation
Romance. For the first time. And then, love lost.
New identity.
516 / 5:18
Business as usual
It Is Wrong to Trade Weapons.
517 / 5:19
Ties of blood and water
A "father", dying.
Valuable secrets. Terrible secrets.
518 / 5:20
Ferengi love songs
519 / 5:21
Soldiers of the empire
Honor, common sense, cowardice...
Strength from song. Strength through fight.
520 / 5:22
Children of time
Fun with time. Meeting descendants.
Having to choose death for some, so that others may live. Facing death. Survivors guilt.
521 / 5:23
Blaze of glory
Enemies, different opinions. Who's right?
Enemies helping each other.
Fighting for a lost cause.
522 / 5:24
Empok nor
A friend turning enemy.
Once a soldier, always a soldier?
523 / 5:25
In the cards
A son trying to help a depressed father.
Eternal life.
Mad scientist.
Doing good for others helps in unexpected ways.
524 / 5:26
Call to arms
A fancy minefield.
B5 (war may be our only hope).
"I must officially protest..." Nicely "just doing what I've been ordered to".
A battle lost?
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
525 / 6:1
A time to stand
Occupation by "friendly forces".
Undercover behind enemy lines. Sabotage.
Fancy windows.
A mathematical genius emerges from the closet.
527 / 6:2
Rocks and shoals
Ship wreck.
Protest, even when it won't change conditions?
Enemies working together, sort of. And allies betrayed. Anything to survice.
526 / 6:3
Sons and daughters
Father and son in the same army.
"Parents" and daughter reunited. The "divorced parents" also reunited?
528 / 6:4
Behind enemy lines
Promoted to a desk job.
Whose side is he on? Is he serene? Or drugged?
529 / 6:5
Favor the bold
A friend and an enemy, making the same unpopular request.
A promotion.
Back into active duty.
The eve of the battle.
530 / 6:6
Sacrifice of angels
Waking up from a dream.
Willing to die to save others.
Deus ex machina. Moses and the river.
A daughter dies. And the megalomaniac father goes mad.
531 / 6:7
You are cordially invited
A wedding. A mother in law.
A wife.
532 / 6:8
Alternate universe. Not dead, but alive. Not spiritual, but violent.
Romance - rekindled.
Seeing the future.
Fame sucks.
533 / 6:9
Statistical probabilities
Genetically engineered. Intelligent and talented. Not suited for an ordinary job. A think tank.
Feeling useful and among friends.
Freedom or life?
"The end is near."
One person can change history.
534 / 6:10
The magnificent Ferengi
Unlikely heroes.
535 / 6:11
The roles of enemies reversed. Enemies - but also polite, understanding...
"I had no choice."
Rather free than alive.
Good and evil.
536 / 6:12
Who mourns for Morn?
A death. Inheritance. Fortune.
"Worthless gold."
538 / 6:13
Far beyond the stars
Overresponsible. Stressed? Hallucinating? Escaping from reality.
Alternative reality. If our people lived in the 1950s, as SF-writers.
Racism. And some excellent reactions against it.
Meta: DS9 wondering whether it's a fantasy.
Very good.
537 / 6:14
One little ship
Miniature people. "Fantastic voyage".
A prisoner, planning escape.
539 / 6:15
Honor among thieves
Spying. Infiltration.
The enemy is also a person. How inconvenient.
540 / 6:16
Change of heart
Romance. A spouse in pain - dying?
Important tactical information, or the life of a spouse?
541 / 6:17
Wrongs darker than death or night
The unpleasant truth about mother.
Time travel.
542 / 6:18
Spying? Interrogation. Suspicion. Imprisonment. "Confess!" And then it was just a test of loyalty?
Repressed memory. Or? How can one be sure?
Confused by a false reality.
The ends and the means...
543 / 6:19
In the pale moonlight
A non-aggression-pact. But it will be betrayed, and we need the other party as an ally, now.
The end justify the means?
A terrible secret.
544 / 6:20
His way
If our crew met Frank Sinatra.
Romance. FInding a way to say those first difficult words.
Suppressing feelings.
Absolute clarity.
545 / 6:21
The reckoning
Vision, prophecy. Religion. Thy will... The big battle between good and evil.
Son of a legend.
Possessed. Chosen.
Beware what you wish for.
546 / 6:22
A ship crewed by young people.
547 / 6:23
Profit and lace
Womens liberation.
If a male crewmember was a female.
548 / 6:24
Time's orphan
Time travel. Fun with time.
A child gone missing. Alone for a long time, regressed. "Tarzan". And then really lose the child? Touching.
549 / 6:25
The sound of her voice
Running and running to save somebody. At first just a voice.
It is good to talk.
Fun with time.
550 / 6:26
Tears of the prophets
Romance. Losing a loved one.
Great Personalities gathering for a Grand Event.
Having to choose between incompatible careers.
A crewmember dies.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7
551, 7:1
Image in the sand
Vision. Interpreting it, following it.
Mourning. Helping a friend. Religion, ritual.
Disturbing news about mother.
A kind member of an arrogant race.
552, 7:2
Shadows and symbols
New version of old crewmember.
A quest. Destiny, even to be born. Hearing voices.
Am I the figment of somebody's imagination?
553, 7:3
Back in the usual surroundings, but not the same person anymore. Who am I?
Therapy. Guilt.
554, 7:4
Take me out to the holosuite
A very bad baseball team. Training. Trying to win. And - failing?
An old rival.
A 2001 moment: a ball turns into a space station.
555, 7:5
Finally among peers. And falling in love.
Austistic-like. Cured. Or not.
Good one.
555, 7:6
Treachery, faith, and the great river
A traitor.
The belief that persons are gods.
An epidemic. A sole survivor?
557, 7:7
Once more unto the breach
The right to die as one lived.
Nice shot of ships leaving a planet atmosphere.
Cruel teasing of an elderly.
Revenge doesn't work.
558, 7:8
The siege of AR-558
A B5 actor!
A wounded soldier/nephew. Every life, and every death, is important.
A lot of darkness.
559, 7:9
Religion. False gods - but who is to say?
A warrior turned priest - will it last? Has he really started loving his enemies? And if he is frail - does that mean the religion is false?
A suicide sect.
560, 7:10
It's only a paper moon
Trying to learn to live a handicap. Escaping into a dream world, recovering. And then the hard re-entry into real world.
An artificial person comes a step closer to real life.
I like it.
561, 7:11
Prodigal daughter
The daughter, who hasn't seen her family for years, and who's changed a lot. And who's still changing/adjusting.
A mother keeping her children down.
Something goes wrong - and everybody feels guilty.
562, 7:12
The emperor's new cloak
Alternate universe. Apparently where everybody's stupid.
563, 7:13
Field of fire
A murderer. Jekyll and Hyde? A repression surfacing? Tapping into a past as murderer to understand the current killer. Trying to make a psyche profile. But doing it without turning into a new murderer.
A sneaky weapon.
Repressing emotions.
564, 7:14
One orphan finding another.
Conforming, too much?
Romance. Choosing between love and independence. Loving enough to let go.
A very close connection.
566, 7:15
Badda-bing, badda-bang
If our crew lived in Vegas in 1962.
Good fun.
565, 7:16
Inter arma enim silent leges
Spying. Everybody's lying.
567, 7:17
Setting down, soon to be husband and wife. Maybe.
POW? Dead? A ex-wife searching. Finding him, but then they both are lost. And have a good fight - and make up.
A dying god - awful.
A vision, a warning.
568, 7:18
'Til death us do part
A vision.
Calling off a wedding. Misery. And then doing it anyway.
2 great, scheming minds getting together. Both religious.
Ex-spouses back together - except she's into somebody else.
569, 7:19
Strange bedfellows
Finally word from the prophets - and then it's false prophets! Fighting. Then somehow making that work.
An alliance, bothersome for a while, now turns really stinky.
A weakling hating to see himself in the mirror - and then he's too weak to smash the mirror! Cute.
Ex-lovers coming to terms.
570, 7:20
The changing face of evil
People attacking not just us, but our very homes - argh!
Studying an ancient, evil text. Plotting.
One of our favorite ships abandoned, destroyed.
571, 7:21
When it rains...
Helping a former enemy, now an ally.
A familiar person, a familiar uniform - but not a familiar combination.
A friend diagnosed with a deadly disease. A war might be won by not finding a cure the enemy can steal. So what to do? And then a deeper secret: planned genocide.
Struck blind for hubris. And then a lesson in humility.
A good general replaced by a politician.
572, 7:22
Tacking into the wind
Sick. But still at work.
Between some enemies there can be no peace.
A bold move to gather intelligence.
Dealing with bad leadership. And suddenly one of our crewmembers is the new emperor? No, but still part of history.
573, 7:23
Extreme measures
Dying from a loved one. And then: a wonder cure.
Manipulating the manipulaters. Spying on the spies.
A mechanical telepathic link. Taking a walk in another persons mind.
574, 7:24
The dogs of war
Somebody beams in, and it's not a main character!
A trap.
"I have been used!"
War crimes.
One of our crew elevated to ruler. Time to clean up! Or not.
How to start a revolution.
749, 7:25
What you leave behind
A family morning.
The final battle of the war. Genocide.
A religious ritual. Done by evil people, who of course fight and betray each other. And of course won't succeed.
The final episode - and everybody scatters. Relationships are put on hold. Personal sacrifice for the greater good. Captured in a touching song and flashback sequence.
Endings - but also cliffhangers.
Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6 Season 7