Lises lokale HomePage

Hi whoever-you-are!

(Or "Hejsa" in Danish.)

This homepage is perpetually under construction, because I always get new ideas. But I hope the information of this page will stay the same for a while. I'll just be adding gimmicks.

I'm 29 years old, and I've spent most of my life learning. Now I'm master of science and try to handle a job in computer programming at DDE. My home is in Copenhagen, capital of Denmark, but my roots are on Lolland, where the sugarbeets grow... My main hobby is music, and "my choir" (Sweet & Swing) practices at Lautrupgaard (or maybe here). My main interest in fiction is of the science kind. And last but not least, my boyfriend is Obi.

Wanna see a picture of me? Sorry, I haven't got one yet!

Wanna know some more about my hobbies? Here they are:

             Science fiction
  Music  |                       |     Books
+--------+----------+   +--------+---------------+
|        |          |   |        |               |
| Queen  |          |   | Isaac  | Stephen King  |
|        |          |   | Asimov | Narnia-series |
| Olivia |   Mike   |   |        |               |
| Newton | Oldfield | +-+--------+---------------+-+
|  John  |          | | |        |               | |
|        |          | | | The    |               | | C
|   Me!  |          | | | Hitch- |   Garfield    | | o
|        |          | | | hikers |               | | m
+--------+----------+ | | Guide  |     Terry     | | i
         |            | | to the |   Pratchett   | | c
         +--------+   | | Galaxy |               | | s
                  |   | |        |               | |
+---------+       |   | +--------+---------------+ |
|\         \      |   |          |                 |
| +---------+     |   | +--------+-----------------+-+
| |         |     |   | |        |                 | |
| | Rubik's |     |   | |        | Monty Python's  | |
| |   Cube  |     |   | |  Red   | Flying Circus   | |
 \|         |     |   | | Dwarf  |                 | |
  +---------+     |   | |        | When Harry      | |
                  |   | |        | met Sally       | |
                  |   | |        |                 | |
                  |   +-+--------+-----------------+ |
                  |     |        |                   |
                  |     |  Star  |  A bunny's tale   |
                  |     |  Trek  |    Shadowlands    |
                  |     |        |                   |
                  |     +--------+-------------------+
                  |              |        Movies

Did you know -
Mike Oldfield is a fan of Captain Kirk.
Mike Oldfield was asked to make the music for the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy series. (Unfortunately he didn't actually do it :-)
Mike Oldfield wrote music, based on the book "The Songs of Distant Earth" by A.C.Clarke
Mike Oldfield ~ Vivian Stanshall ~ Bonzo Dog Band ~ Neil Innes ~ Monty Python's Flying Circus
Kirstie Alley played fabulously in A Bunny's Tale (as a serious Bunny) and in Star Trek II.

Some more about me / another kind of links:

As I said, my main hobby is music. I started singing when I was 12 years old, and for many years my biggest dream was to sing like Olivia Newton-John. I also admired the Danish band Shubidua, they have such great lyrics, and I wanted to write lyrics as well as they do. (In fact I've had new tunes written for a few of my texts :-) Olivia and Shubidua - I admit it, I like rock. Queen was added to the collection later, after I had a chance to sing in Bohemian Rhapsody. Oh, Freddie has such a great voice as well. Miss you, Freddie! But I guess my favorite piece of music of all times (the one I put on when I'm stressed, sad, or just want to enjoy life a bit more) is Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield. (You can buy his records here.) This led to me listening to other pieces of his music, going to Hamburg to a concert and so on. And now - well, I'm hooked. And it doesn't help one bit that my bf is a bigger fan than me!

Books. Well, I've certainly read a lot of them. And of course there's some favorites. I can remember seeing The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams on German television years ago, and I was thrilled to find it as a book as well. Terry Pratchett is just as funny, he just writes fantasy instead. And while I'm at it, I adore Garfield, and got all the albums translated to Danish, and then some! For the more serious bits, I like the way Isaac Asimov handles the future. And I like the way Stephen King handles writing about people, even though I'm not a great fan of horror. And finally I've got to recommend the Narnia books by C.S.Lewis. Yeah, they're books for children, but I still like to read them from time to time.

Uhm, movies. Well, I've seen some of those too. And whatever else comes along. I guess I'm a full fledged trekkie, after seeing Raumschiff Enterprise on German TV as a child. Of course, when Red Dwarf came along, it became harder to decide what to see ... And while we're at the funny stuff, I've spent untold days trying to learn the sketches of Monty Python's Flying Circus by heart. (Almost there in some cases ...) And other fun stuff? Well, I think I do know both When Harry met Sally and A Bunny's Tale by heart. Such wonderful and humorous stories about intelligent people falling in love, finding out who they are. Hm, that description sounds familiar. Did I mention I like Shadowlands and Pretty Woman as well?

Do you think you can solve Rubik's Cube? Try again!

Hanwyahf = Have a nice whatever-you-are-headed-for,

| Lise Andreasen |SEAL88P',d888o,     | Playing Tubular Bells,  reading |
|   |8888P   888 8888,   | "I, Robot",  and having Rubik's |
+----------------+8888    `?8888888   | Cube within reach  -  what more |
|  DDE,  Basic   |b888        `?888   | could I possibly want?          |
|  Development   |a888b     O   88'   |                                 |
| +45 4284 5011  |lance8o._  _.P'     |                  (A shrubbery?) |